The Organization for the Support of Albania’s Abandoned Babies (OSAAB) is a United States and Albanian registered non-governmental organization (NGO) created in 1996 with a mission to provide care to abandoned babies in Albania, as well as educate healthcare providers and expectant mothers in maternal and newborn health.
The program works cooperatively and in conjunction with the Queen Geraldine University Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Tirana, Albania. Since the program began in 1996, over 800 babies have been provided care by OSAAB in the Angel’s Cradle nursery while they remain in the maternity hospital.
OSAAB and the maternity hospital have focused their efforts on raising awareness within Albania about the “safe haven” the Angel’s Cradle nursery provides women dealing with unwanted pregnancies. Our combined efforts have resulted in annual decreases in the number of babies abandoned in the streets and a noticeable reduction in the overall number of babies who are being abandoned each year.
OSAAB, nor the maternity hospital, are involved with the adoption of the babies but merely ensure that the babies are provided the love and medical care a newborn baby deserves while they remain in the hospital. Babies remain in the hospital in the Angels Cradle nursery on average for the first three months of their lives before being moved to an orphanage to await either reunification with their birth family or get adopted.